Noel was from another planet too

During the 2013 season, the Rupp Rafters discussion forum had a photoshop thread dedicated to Nerlens Noel.  At the time it was posted, I happen to be working on a Avatar tutorial for another website. I was attempting to turn a photo of a friend into a somewhat accurate looking Avatar using Corel Paint Shop Pro. While not perfect, it turned out alright.

avatar tutorial

Anyway, this gave me the idea to turn Noel into an Avatar for my contribution to the photoshop thread. Much like WCS, Noel was also a freak of nature athlete and likely from another planet. So the theme fit him perfectly. I didn’t spend as much attention to detail as I did in the original tutorial photo above. The Noel version was threw together for fun and I think it turned out hilariously good.

BTW, he was one of my all time favorite Wildcats.  He was so talented defensively and he never took a play of either. Miss seeing the big guy wearing blue.

noel avatar

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